A collection of software using the Mycroft AI technology
These are the initial steps towards a truly open solution (independent of Google and Amazon) featuring KDE Plasma, Qt/QML and the Mycroft Assistant.
Android App
Myroft Assistant with Plasma on your android device.
Mycroft Remote Services docker container allows you to host your own Mycroft Core instance for the Android Application.
docker run -d --network host --device /dev/snd aiixm/mycroft-remote-services:0.2
Plasmoid for desktop
Mycroft Assistant on your Plasma Desktop.
1. Download latest Appimage:
2. make it executable
3. (double-)click to start the Installer
4. after finished, add Plasmoid to panel
5. ask “Hey Mycroft, youtube red hot by the way” 🙂
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Development / How it all works…
Mycroft-GUI, Selene Back-End, DeepSpeech, Common Voice, Jack, KDE Plasma (Nano),…